Huwebes, Oktubre 8, 2015

Have you ever wonder why Sari-sari stores are everywhere in the Philippines ?

In this age sari-sari store is present in almost all neighborhoods, sometimes even on every street. Most of them are privately owned and operated inside the shopkeeper's house while some of them are lucky to established a bigger one that is able to hire a sales person and provide a job for our country men.

Sari-sari store is considered as the convenience store of the country and classified as one of the small medium sized enterprise. Most of the time sari-sari store brings extra income to the owner and sometimes became the main source of income of the family.

One of the well known categories of small and medium enterprise (SME's) is the sari-sari store. It allows members of the community to have easy access to basic commodities at low costs. The concept of "tingi "or retail, a customer can buy 'units' of the product rather than whole package.This is convenient for those who cannot buy the whole package or do not need much of it. The sari-sari store also saves the customer extra transportation costs, especially those in rural areas, since some towns can be very far from the nearest market or grocery.
below is a survey made by Nielsen to know what are the basic commodities that sari-sari stores offer.

Have you ever wonder why Sari-sari stores are everywhere in the Philippines ?
In this age sari-sari store is present in almost all neighborhoods, sometimes even on every street. Most of them are privately owned and operated inside the shopkeeper's house while some of them are lucky to established a bigger one that is able to hire a sales person and provide a job for our country men.

Sari-sari store is considered as the convenience store of the country and classified as one of the small medium sized enterprise. Most of the time sari-sari store brings extra income to the owner and sometimes became the main source of income of the family.

One of the well known categories of small and medium enterprise (SME's) is the sari-sari store. It allows members of the community to have easy access to basic commodities at low costs. The concept of "tingi "or retail, a customer can buy 'units' of the product rather than whole package.This is convenient for those who cannot buy the whole package or do not need much of it. The sari-sari store also saves the customer extra transportation costs, especially those in rural areas, since some towns can be very far from the nearest market or grocery.
below is a survey made by Nielsen to know what are the basic commodities that sari-sari stores offer.

Despite of having the limited floor area the typical store can carry up to hundreds of products or stock-keeping units (SKUs), more than half of which are food items,Instant coffee mixes, laundry products, soft drinks, cigarettes and beverage. This categories are widely carried in sari-sari stores.

Commodities are often displayed in a large screen-covered or metal barred window in front of the shop.Candies in recycled jars, canned goods and cigarettes are often displayed while some cooking necessities like;cooking oil, salt, and sugar are often stored at the back of the store.
The usual Philippine sari-sari store is provided with a small window for the customer's to request commodity and would be given at the same window . A cigarette lighter tied to the window can also be found. Benches and sometimes tables are also provided in front of the sari-sari store. A shade is placed above it which is also used to cover the large window when the store closes. Some stores operate 24/7 but others follow the usual daily routine which is the store would close at 12midnight and opens 5 o'clock in the morning to accommodate their costumers or what they usually call "suki".

The sales person or the owner must know the buying behavior of consumers to know what are the other products that can be offered and can serve as alternative product in case the other product is not available.

Observing the costumers buying behavior will also help companies to plan what strategies that would be needed. For instance, knowing how much people spend per sari-sari store visit and how often they buy a specific category can aid manufacturers in determining a product’s price and packaging.

Sari-sari store become a bridge between producer and user. It allows the accessibility of product especially the fast-moving consumer goods.

With over millions of outlets in the country sari-sari store mark their part in the economy and they play an important role in distributing the products of today's well known and prosperous businesses that just like them they also made their way to triumph by starting in small and medium enterprise (SME's).

While many of us chooses to be employed and earn a monthly income there are still some who wanted to run or manage their own business.

Did you know that some of the well known and successful businessman today started in Small and medium enterprise?

Yes , you read it right, and they are the one who chooses to follow their dreams and ambition to put it into action and manage their own business, be their own boss, have control with their time, provide jobs for country men and most importantly but not really stated is to gain big amount of income.

We all have this kind of dream but we are afraid of taking risk because we are afraid to fail and that is why instead of pushing our dreams to reality we just chooses to keep it and be their employee , not the employer.